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Every Building Owner's Got a Story About the High Cost of Mold

Updated: Feb 10, 2022

Nearly every commercial construction or property management firm has a horror

story about:

  • mold-related project delays,

  • costly mold remediation & containment measures,

  • displaced residents, or

  • the high cost of materials replacement due to mold or water damage.

Wood-frame construction is at high risk for costly mold problems. Costs can be especially high when a problem occurs during construction.

Whether the cause is a poor roof design, a broken pipe, or a window left open, mold can spread quickly in new construction, causing a high tally of delay, clean up & repair costs. Based on KEM client General Conditions, the following cost estimates illustrate impacts for an average multifamily building (250 units):

  • Mold containment: $100,000

  • Materials lost due to mold contamination: $100,000

  • 1-week work delay: $40,000

  • 1-month work delay: $120,000

We've learned that quick detection and management is essential to keeping response costs low. That's why we recommend proactive inspections to identify water concerns before a project is threatened due to mold.

  • Inspect | conduct visual, air, IR camera testing for moisture & mold

  • Contain & remediate | design & manage effort to reduce spread of mold

  • Train | equip clients to spot danger signs & act quickly if moisture is detected

  • Certify | provide clearance testing & Mold-Free Certification

Our proactive clients eliminate the risk of costly problems by keeping maintenance, renovation & construction projects ON-BUDGET & ON-SCHEDULE.

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Schedule your consultation  |   301.961.1653

6935 Wisconsin Avenue, Suite 306

Chevy Chase MD  20814

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